St. Mark Community Church

800 North First Street, Jacksonville, AR 72076


Mission Statement:  Galatians 6:10 “As we have therefore opportunity, let us 
do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

Theme:  No Man Left Behind

Goal:  Nehemiah 8:8  “To read the Bible clearly, giving the comprehension, and causing men to understand the reading.”

The aim of the ministry is to help men develop the kind of relationships that 
promote Christian leadership, character, integrity, and spiritual maturity so that they may go forth and be productive in the kingdom of God.

The ministry is designed for adult men in the congregation; it is a safe place 
where men can openly deal with the issues that affect them in this present 
world. There are several studies each year as well as breakfast gatherings for fellowship.  Community events, church affairs, activities, and items of interest to men in the body of Christ are conducted throughout the year.