St. Mark Community Church

800 North First Street, Jacksonville, AR 72076


The St. Mark Community Church Prayer Ministry’s mission is to serve as a “prayer covering” for the Pastor and the St Mark Community Church Family and to encourage members to develop an active prayer life increasing a stronger personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to be an under girding prayer support for all church endeavors and a source of power for ministry so that God’s purpose will be fulfilled in our church, community and our country.

St. Mark Community Church Prayer Ministry’s vision is to impact lives in a positive way by promoting fasting and prayer for St. Mark Community Church. To pray that the spirit of wisdom, revelation and understanding be in and upon St. Mark Community Church Pastor so that the glory of God may be revealed among His people through the work of the Holy Spirit, to be accomplished through persistence in prayer and that every member of St. Mark Community Church is a person of prayer.

“Enjoying Effective Prayer Require Fellowship” – If prayer is going to be real and meaningful to you, you must understand prayer is more than just saying words.  It is connecting with your Heavenly Father.  It is being aware that you are in the presence of the Almighty God.  It is more than a Christian discipline.  It is communicating with a living, loving personal God.  If you would like our Prayer Ministry to pray for you “Click” on the “Prayer Icon” to the right and fill out the Prayer Request. If you would like a call back please fill in your phone number.

Carol Hampton, Prayer Ministry Leader