The Senior Ushers Serve on Sundays at the 10:00 am Service and Other Services, Events, i.e., Revivals, Funerals, etc.
Ushers Meet For Training on the First Monday at 7 p.m., Unless Changed by the President. If You Are Interested In Joining This Ministry, Please Contact Our Church Office at 501-985-6641 or President, Brother Ivory Hawkins.

The Junior Ushers serve on the 4th Sunday of each month under supervision of Senior Ushers.
They meet for training on the 1st Saturday before the 4th Sunday of each month at 10 am in the Sanctuary.
Usher Ministry
Mission Statement
The mission of the Ushers Ministry is to offer services to all members and
visitors in a manner pleasing and acceptable to God.
Committed to greeting, directing and assisting worshippers in a hospitable
manner as they enter into the sanctuary to hear the Word of God. To assist
the Pastor in keeping order and discipline during the worship service.